
People Now Using Homemade Shark Cages When Going Into The Ocean Off The Coast Of North Carolina




Hey you know what’s better than walking into the ocean with a giant metal cage over your head? The pool. You know where sharks and other various sea creatures will never touch you? The pool. You know where you can clearly see the bottom of the swimming area and never encounter surprises? You guessed it, the pool. I’m not going to say that you should never go into the Ocean and do the old “the ocean is so scary blah blah blah schtick”. But I will say if you’re so scared of a shark attack that you put a shopping cart over your body for a 2 second dip, then the pool is probably more your speed. Gotta feel like a pretty big coward to walk past a 5 year old girl with an erector set over your head.


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On the plus side, at least now “guy who walks around with a metal detector looking for loose change and jewelry” is no longer the craziest person on the beach. Huge day for those guys.