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Vicious Pit Bull Sneaks Into A Chicken Coup With Baby Chickens And The Result Is NSFL (WARNING: Graphic)




OH MY GOD!  BLOOD EVERYWHERE!  LOOK AWAY!  LOOK AWAY!   That video is simply further proof that it’s true what they say.  Pitbulls are vicious creatures that can’t be trusted.  They’re not like other dogs.  They don’t love unconditionally.  They don’t follow the same code of “I’m just gonna be the best creature to ever exist in the history of this planet because it’s coded on my DNA” like most other dogs do.  They aren’t gentle with every other living creature on the planet.  You sure as shit can’t put them in a chicken coup with a bunch of baby birds and expect them to behave themselves.  That video proved that.  Nope, they’re gonna do what those vicious, blood thirsty pit bulls are born to do: Let the baby chicks crawl all over him and not bite a single one of them.  He let those birds crawl all over him and he didn’t give a shit because pit bulls are dogs and dogs are awesome.  Simple as that.