
Cosmo Says Baltimore is the 4th Worst City For Single Girls. DC the 3rd Worst.


Sun - Turns out your mom was right all along — it’s not you, it’s them. Or, more specifically, the lack of them. The ratio of women to men in Baltimore is hopelessly-skewed to the hairy, beer-swilling, leaving-dirty-socks-on-the-bathroom-floor half of the population, according to a special report in Cosmopolitan’s November issue.Charm City ranks as the fourth worst city to meet a man, due to an overabundance of never-married women, according to the magazine. Maybe it’s all the ladies who make the city so charming? Well, that’s cool, you say, I’ll just spend the weekends in a nearby city and meet guys there. Like, um, D.C. Sorry ladies, D.C. is the third worst city to meet guys.

Look at the DMV! Wet chick central. So many girls running around with hurricane katrina in their pants, we have our pick of the litter. They can’t wait to get their hands on our “hairy, beer-swilling, leaving-dirty-socks-on-the-bathroom-floor” selves. Which by the way, is a bit offensive, Cosmo. Do you see us calling chicks overly emotional, bad wine-overdosing, sandwich making, less fun versions of us?

By the way, girls, as winter approaches, here is a helpful hint to not staying single since you’re all obsessed with that: don’t go into hibernation like a fucking grizzly bear the second the leaves start changing colors. Nine layers of sweatpants and northface jackets and boots with shit hanging everywhere, while still being pretentious as all fuck because you “live and work in DC”. But we are assholes for not wanting to talk you? Makes a lot of sense, not even a little bit.