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Cavs Fans Damn Near Blew The Roof Off The Arena With How Loud They Cheered As LeBron Entered

I fucking hate everything about this. A standing ovation? A louder cheer than anything that actually happens in the game? For a guy that lied to us all, then went on National Television to break up with us publicly and embarrass us? To then fly to Miami and film the "not one, not two, not three" video while we all cried because HE PROMISED he wasn't leaving but still left? And I know damn well that I'm not speaking for Cleveland here, as they make it clear every single time I take this approach on a LeBron James issue, but I can't lie in this blog. Anyone who still gets on their knees for LeBron is a fucking loser, and I fucking HATE this reaction from the fans to LeBron for showing up to Game 4 tonight. Why do we continue to treat him like he didn't leave us high and dry not once, but TWICE? Let's not forget that he PROMISED he wouldn't leave Cleveland until he brought the city a championship. And then he left us....only coming back when it was beneficial to him, and yes, he obviously did win one (but only because the NBA wanted to extend the series so they suspended Draymond Green).

Okay, my personal hatred for the guy aside, I'm still not sure why he's at the game tonight. Game 4 of the second round? With Donovan Mitchell and Jarrett Allen out? And clearly, Savannah is not sure why they made the trip either....

Hood up, hand on chin, eyes rolled. Yeah, I hear you Savannah. LeBron made it about himself once again. Plays for the Lakers, but comes to the Cavs game, in which they heavy underdogs. Just seems weird....unless he's coming home, right? Unless this is the first step to him returning to Cleveland, right? That's what he wants. The fans to beg again. You know they're in his ear all night, saying we NEED him.

Can't spell LeBron James without a ME. This is big time me move tonight from the "King".