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The Milwaukee Bucks Have The Biggest Napkins In The NBA

I was taking in an NBA playoff game in lovely Milwaukee, Wisconsin with my friend Adam Ferrone who was in town to tape the Pat Bev Pod with Rone. At halftime we got into a certain club section that had some food and delectable treats featuring some of the best jalapeno poppers I've ever had. But upon entering the buffet line I picked up a napkin that was simply too large to comprehend. I told Rone it absolutely needed to be photographed. 

Just preposterously large for something to wipe your mouth after you've had a couple chicken fingers. I brought one back for The Yak and had to show my pals.

So Nick and Big Cat put together a mission to find a bigger napkin at a sporting event this summer.

No cloth napkins or anything at a restaurant. This is as much of a thing that it was at a sporting event than anything else. Just insane placement. Concerts are good too. Anything in a major arena or stadium. Do you think anyone on The Yak can find one? We shall see if an even bigger mouth towel exists!