
People Are Freaking Out Cause That Stop-Motion Guacamole Guy Released A New Video

Art? Cool, I guess. The first Guacamole stop animation or whatever film he did (below) was nominated for an Oscar and hipster critics lauded it as the greatest thing ever. I mean, this stuff is decent to watch, but give me Die-Hard all day playing on repeat than anything in the Louve. At least this requires effort and time compared to most artistic efforts. Remember that broad who queefed eggs in a public square and passed it off as a creative endeavor? Shit, even Sylvester Stallone makes “art” and sells it for $40K+ a pop. What’s stopping Big Cat from selling MS Paint masterpieces for a grand a gander? Give me a white canvas to ejaculate on and it’ll be in the Met within a month. Name it “Moneyshot: A Candace Swanepoel Inspired Piece” and wait for my royalties.