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Is This Soccer Player's Front Flip Goal All Talent Or All Luck?

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I’m having a tough time calling this one. One one hand it just looks like the dude is trying to clear out of the goalies way and luckily adds too much rotation to his dive. On the other hand, he kinda sticks the landing perfectly. It’s not just the flip, it’s the turn with it.

At the end of the day, I’m gonna label it an accident. I just don’t think he could have ever imagined he was going to pull off that exact flip. He was going for the tuck and roll. Even if he’s pulled off a front flip before in his short existence (he’s a HS junior), there is no way he’s pulled off the flip with the twist. Athletic for sure, but very, very lucky.

It kind of reminded me of this Only-In-Russia Classic.

Yeah dude it was sweet, but you’re not about to start making regular flips like this. You’re just lucky you didn’t collapse into a jumble of crumpled tendons, as I clearly would have in said situation.

He’s not the next Jerome Simpson.

He’s more of a Cam Newton, just flinging his body and landing lucky.

The best part? Because of soccer’s predilection against scoring, the goal was disallowed due to an offsides call. Hey soccer, here’s some consulting you couldn’t get if you spent a billion dollars at Accenture: get rid of offsides. Let’s open this thing up, ramp up the scoring, encourage some cherry picking, reward the front flips. Sure, soccer is already the number one sport in the world, but wouldn’t being the number one sport in AMERICA sound much more important?