
Former WWII Pilot Takes Out Skydiver With Plane As Both Attempt To Land

87-years-old? Can a plane still fly while going the equivalent of 25 in a 65? You have to hand it to the old man. IF I ever make it into the 80’s my priorities would stay in the realm of what’s on daytime TV and not shitting myself (sadly similar to what they are now). Dude was a WWII pilot and is still living the glory days 60+ years later. Probably thought the skydiver was a coward Jap who ditched his plane after an attempted Kamakazee it into a warship. Normally would question how a man born during the Coolige Administration still has his wings, but we’ll let it slide. Still would put my life in the hands of this elderly warrior than the skydiver with the smarts to land on a runway. Darwinism at its finest.

Lloyd Christmas was correct about the elderly. Although, slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose.