
Dude In China Has Been Going Around Eating Feces From The Women's Bathroom For The Past 8 Years


Mirror – A news report has emerged from China that claims a man regularly sneaks into women’s loos to eat FAECES.

The report said the Guangdong man was caught emerging from the toilet after indulging in his mind-bogglingly disgusting habit. – a legitimate news source – suggests he has done it for eight years…He added that the man walks in on women before they’re able to finish flushing the toilet.”

Well would ya look at the shit eating grin on this son of a bitch. Before I get going here, let me just break down some of the scientific jargon in the article. Feces is shit, or poop. Now that we got that cleared up, allow me to be the first person to say “what the actual fuck is the matter with this guy”.

If you watch enough “My Strange Addiction” on TLC, you start to desensitize yourself from this type of nonsense. I can now see a grown woman eating pieces of dry wall and not even think twice about it. But obviously this is some next level looney tune shit. Eating a chick’s shit is something that I would expect to see jokingly in the comment section of a Barstool Confessional post. But not in real life (I guess we’re counting China as real life in this scenario) and especially not for 8 years. Although I will say that I respect this man a little since he has to hunt for his own food. He has to stalk down his prey as she innocently heads to the bathroom, then he needs to wait for just the right time to pounce so that she both 1) cut the turd from her ass and 2) hasn’t flushed yet. Sometimes people give a courtesy flush so you really only have a brief moment to get in there while the turd is still sitting in the bowl. So since I’ve never had to hunt down my own food, I guess this dude is more of a man than I am. But still. I just want to vomit right now.

Sidenote: Quick hypothetical to think of here – What if your shit tasted like the most amazing food ever but it still felt and looked and smelled like shit? I’m talking this shit tastes like a filet from some fancy shmancy 5-star restaurant, but besides the taste it’s still just regular shit. Do you eat it or no?

h/t Timbo