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Barstool Idol Ginger's Stand Up Documentary Provides A Very Open, Honest View Of Live Comedy...And It's Amazing There's Not More Serial Killer Comics

Well wasn’t that just a trip and a kick in the dick down memory lane. There is absolutely nothing that’ll make you feel as worthy or as worthless than being a stand up comedian. Nothing. And Ginger’s (Francis? Fuck.) mini-doc here provides a perfect look into the life of an aspiring comedian. There’s so much preparation, dedication, and sacrifice to try to make it as a stand up. Hence why most amateur (and even professional) comedians are miserable and cynical fucks. 99% of the life is shit, but it’s all about those few minutes on stage that hopefully make it all worthwhile….even if they do realize only 0.00000000001% of people who ever grab the mic will end up making a full-time living from stand up. It truly is a painful existence at times. So why do people do it? Well, other than the chase of fame and fortune, it’s the laugh. Ginger hits the nail right on the head. There is nothing more euphoric that gets you more validation of you’re worth than when a joke hits. It’s better than sex. Shit, it’s better than breathing. You have the audience by the balls and feel on top of the world.


I performed all the time back in the day till I hit my personal breaking point. I simply didn’t have what it takes to keep up with the necessary grind. There’s only so many times I could be at a bar at 1am on a Tuesday waiting to get stage time in front of the same 5 comedians in the audience waiting to do the same. I (thankfully) discovered I didn’t have that “It” factor as a stand up, which was OK and told me to pursue other futile avenues. But up until that point, if there was a stage and mic, I was there. I respect the FUCK out of Ginger, and every other comedian, for keeping up with the hustle. Here’s what we were working with back in the day. I think this is from the Philly’s Phunniest contest in like 2009. Judging by Helium’s old background, me looking in somewhat shape, and that killer Ghosts Of Girlfriend’s Past reference I’m pretty sure that’s right. No, I didn’t win. In fact I never got out of the first round. Lotta talent floating around the City Of Brotherly Love.

PS – The fact Ginger willingly chooses to go by “Francis” bothers me a lot more than it should. Typical Harvard Lax bro move. Be a Frank and call it a life.

PPS – In all seriousness, everyone should try Stand-Up just one time in life. It takes BALLS to get up there for the first time. If not, get out there and support live comedy. There are a ton of amazing comics all over on the grid that do great stuff. Show the scene some love.