Barack Obama Again Reads Mean Tweets And They Are No Where Near As Malicious As They Could Be

Old Obama Reads Mean Tweets for more.

Please. I know this is supposed to somewhat be PG, but let’s be real. This is the Internet. The Wild Wild West of outrageous assholes with little to no law to enforce any justice. A place where opinions and hate are fired at will and be justified with zero facts or reality. Now, the worst of the worst of Tweets sent to Obama are definitely beyond vile and spewed out from a Moonshine distillery from a desktop still running on Windows 95. Those images don’t deserve to see the light of day. But there’s nothing better out there than “Bro…do you even lift?” and making fun of his Mom jeans for the billionth time? Be better, Kimmell. For America.

You want to see what the 7th Level Of Internet Hell has to offer, Obama? Just check out what Porn Stars get said about them on the regular.

Wow. And here I thought I had it rough being called a poor, Lego-headed “Fag Fountain”. That was straight up wrong, even though I’m surprised Pres has yet to find a way to profit off of “Jew Semen”.

PS – I wish I could find the old Bloggers Read Mean Tweets video to pop at the bottom of this post. Now, most of us bloggers are grown ass men who are used to taking shots.  We can take a beating with the best of them before sobbing in the shower and lying alone and awake at night.  I mean, it’s not a my fault canned goods are deliciously cheap or own a face with enough buoyancy it could raise the Titanic.   But if you’re going to be a dick, at least be a creative dick.  For example: asking someone from Iowa “Do you fuck corn or does corn fuck you?”.  Hilarious. And possibly spot on. Thanks for erasing that gem from existence, Devnest.