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LaVar Ball Confirmed To Be On Monday Night Raw Tonight


LETSSSSSSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Like many 80s babies, I was a rabid WWF fan during the Hulk Hogan/Macho Man/Ultimate Warrior heyday, lost my interest in the sport(s entertainment) for a few years, and then became a a diehard again during the Stone Cold/Rock/DX Attitude Era only to stop watching again around a decade ago.

Well the next Golden Age of the wrestling is about to tip off thanks to The Mouth from South Central. Actually I guess now he’s the Chirper From Chino. The Los Angeles Lip. The Big Fucking Baller, LaVar Ball. There have been countless sports figures that partially fit into the wrestling world to make a paycheck. Dennis Rodman was the perfect character. Gronk fit like a glove probably because he believed all the storylines were true. And LT had the crippling drug problem. But never has a sports figure fit so seamlessly into pro wrestling as LaVar Ball. Shit, I bet LaVar is giving tips to wrestlers backstage on how to cut their promos. Dude treasures being the heel. Yeah it’s partially to move $500 pairs of basketball sneakers. But being a wrestling heel is the role LaVar Ball was born to play. He just happens to have three kids that get buckets.

Exhibits A-E:


I know LaVar haters will roll their eyes at this news. I know basketball purists will rather watch an award show on TNT for a regular season that feels like it happened a decade ago. I know people that love watching taped basketball games will watch The Big 3 on FS1. But me? I don’t know Titus O’Neal from Shaquille O’Neal. But I do know I will be watching Monday Night Raw waiting for LaVar Ball to do LaVar Ball things while probably unveiling a new line of Big Baller Brand wrestling shirts that are probably as incredible as the old Austin 3:16 and Brahma Bull Rock shirts from back in the day (for the low, low price of $100).

Okay, I will definitely not be watching until people on Twitter say that LaVar is on TV. But once it is confirmed he’s on TV, I’m immediately switching to USA.

Raw is still on USA, right?

And if you are a wrestling fan of past or present, make sure to subscribe to the From The Top Rope podcast with Robbie Fox and Jared Carrabis (I pronounced it the correct way when I typed this Jared. I promise). Any podcast that an 18 year old would willing get his spine snapped in two for has to be good, right?
