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Johnny Manziel Charging $50 Per Selfie At The Super Bowl

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One of the fastest falls from grace you’ll ever see. From Money Manziel and Drake to charging for Selfies and hanging out with Dave Portnoy. It gets no worse than that.

Unless of course you’re one of the assholes who is paying Johnny Manziel for a picture. Thats gotta be worse, right? I’ve been kind of wrestling with this one since last night. Is it worse to be in a spot where you’re basically reduced to Anti-Semetic Elmo pandering for money in Times Square? Or you’re enough of a fanboy to pay 50 bucks to take a picture with said guy? I know we live in the social media age and a picture with JFF still puts asses in the seats for some reason, but if you drop 50 for a selfie you’re a goddam loser. On principle alone.

He’s also charging $100 for an autograph. Which is even more ridiculous. What are you gonna do with the autograph of a future Subway sandwich artist?
