
This Chubby Dancing Kid Just Stole Your Past, Present And Future Girlfriend




Killed it.  Lit the place on fire.  Cut a rug.  Anything and everything you can say about dance moves applies to that kid.  Confidence through the roof.  That’s the best part.  Here’s to hoping he never loses that confidence.  Because it’s the one thing that matters in life above all else.  Sure, the kid is a bit on the husky side.  That’s pretty clear.  But all of that just melts away when he steps onto the dance floor and makes all the girls swoon with his dance moves.  As a fellow husky guy I have zero confidence on the dance floor (unless I’m hammered).  It’s tough out there.  Was he making up some of those dance moves on the fly?  Pretty sure he was and in a short 53-second clip I’m pretty sure he invented 8 new moves that are gonna take the club scene by storm.  You can’t teach that kind of innovation.  It comes from within.  Confidence confidence confidence.  He’s a young fella and hasn’t been exposed to the horrible world out there quite yet but if he can keep that confidence and those dance moves, he’s unstoppable.  The world is his oyster.  Go get ‘em, big guy!