
Shaq Says He Could Last 45 Seconds With Ronda Rousey And Doesn't Get The Joke



Goddamn it, Shaq.  Come on.  You’re a grown man.  You can figure it out.  Nothing worse than when somebody, in this case the person who made the joke, doesn’t hear it and they continue on and still don’t get it.  It took Shaq two times through to actually get it.  Even after Charles literally spelled it out for Shaq by saying, “There’s a joke in there” Shaq was still like NO MAN!  I’M SERIOUS!  I COULD LAST 45 SECONDS WITH RONDA ROUS……ohhhhhh you guys are talking about sex.  You guys!  Stop it!


PS- We’re all seeing the Entourage movie, right?  Okay good.  I think I’ve said it before but the trailer with Ari screaming, “Vince will not come back from this and neither will you!” is simply the best.  It wouldn’t be an Entourage trailer/movie/season if Ari didn’t tell E and the boys that Vince’s career was gonna hinge on a single decision.  And then of course something miraculous will happen, they’ll make 20 million dollars and end up ripping bongs and fucking hot chicks. It’s the best.