
Oh No! Lindsey Vonn's Dog Chewed Up Her Workout Pants!

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Ugh. Gosh darn it! Stupid dog! WTF! Chewed right through Lindsey’s workout pants! Bad dog! Or the best dog? I’m going with that. Best dog ever. Maybe the best picture ever. God bless Lindsey Vonn for taking this photo op. She could’ve just held up her pants and been like, “Mannnnnn my dog chewed through my workout pants!” But instead she took the initiative and bent over so the world could see for themselves. Poor Tiger. Not only can he not play golf anymore but now he has to log on to Instagram and see Lindsey’s butt on full display. Good butt. Great butt. She must work out.

If you thought the comments on this would be creepy, you were correct

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