Justin Bieber Is That Guy Who Takes 5 Mulligans On One Shot Because Of Course He Is


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Is anybody surprised by this?  I didn’t think so.  Of course Biebs is That Guy on the golf course.  The guy who hits 14 balls on one hole and then when you’re walking off the green says, “I can’t believe I somehow still bogeyed that hole.”  Fuck you, man.  Fuck you and all the people like you.  I’ll put a 5 on the scorecard but just know that I’m judging you.  Bieber just using the hole as his own personal driving range like he owns the place (does he own the place?).  Of all the horrible choices and things Bieber has done in the pubic eye that made people go, “This goddamn kid, man” this might be the most offensive.  Even worse than when he was dropping N bombs like they were the word “the”.  This is worse.  You can’t trust somebody who pulls shit like that.  The worst part of all?  I bet all his buddies were like, “Oh nice shot, Justin. You’re so great. Great shot.”  They’ve created a monster. Bieber needs buddies who will kick him in the nuts and tell him to play his ball.