A Bug Straight Up Ate A Chick's Eye After She Didn't Clean Her Contacts For Six Months

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Mirror- A student’s eyeballs were DEVOURED by a bug – after she failed to clean her disposable contact lenses for more than six months. Doctors said 23-year-old Lian Kao’s case is an extreme lesson in the importance of basic hygiene. Under pressure because of her university studies, the young woman failed to take ever contact lenses and wash them once for half a year. When she eventually went to hospital, medics were horrified when they removed the contact lenses to find that the surface of the girl’s eyes had literally been eaten by a single-cell amoeba. The bug had been able to breed in the perfect conditions that existed between the contact lens and the eye. Lian Kao has been left blinded as a result.

First of all, this chick is a straight up dumb ass for not cleaning her contacts for 6 months.  Pretty much begging and pleading for a super bug to crawl inside her skull and eat out her cornea.  So going blind in her left eye is kind of 100% on her.  Sympathy will be hard to come by.  Second, there’s no pictures of this which I’m pretty happy about because that would be fucking gross I bet (we also run the risk of getting J-mac’d but I think we’re okay here).  And third, glasses for the mother fucking win.  People say glasses look nerdy and stupid and old but it’s simply not true.  Case in point, I wear glasses and I look like a fashion model.  Not to mention velvet ropes opening for me on a whim and girls jumping from balconies to touch me.  All because of how awesome my glasses look.   I also don’t run the risk of saying “fuck it” leaving my contacts in for months on end and ending up blind coming out the other side.  I used to have contacts.  They were alright if you enjoy shoving your index finger into your eyes each morning and each night.  They’re uncomfortable, they get dry and they can fall out.  There’s NOTHING worse than having a contact fall out when you’re at a bar or doing something fun.  It’s a day ruiner for sure.  Glasses? Yeah, they can break but at least you look super smart.

Just ask Rick Perry.  He completely flipped the script on people this time around and made himself look super smart.  Absolute genius move.

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