
Wendy's Chick vs. Toyota Chick...Who Ya Got?


Wendy’s Chick – Morgan Smith Goodwin

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Toyota Chick – Laurel Coppock

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(Note: Obviously my girl Jana Kramer from the Nationwide commercials is excluded from this contest otherwise it would be a bloodbath. T Mobile motorcycle girl isn’t invited either)

Wendy’s Chick vs. Toyota Chick in a battle of Marginally Attractive Commercial Girls Being Jammed Down Our Throats. Its like these chicks are blackmailing the advertising world demanding that they be in the same string of commercials for like 2 years straight. Must have naked pictures of that son of a bitch David Ogilvy that the company doesn’t want released or some shit.

The thing about both these girls is you kinda end up having Stockholm Syndrome with both of them. Like the Wendy’s chick was just relentless. She wore me down. War of attrition. I never thought twice about her for like a fucking year. Now all the sudden I see her on TV flirting with the Asiago sandwich and I’m jealous. I’m like “Fuck you Asiago! I want to flirt with the Wendy’s Chick.” She beat me down and now I think she’s hot for some reason.

Toyota Chick is a different story. She’s just a solid all around woman. I’ve seen probably 1 million of those Toyotathon commercials now and every time she’s putting in a solid performance. Shes not like Hall of Fame Hot, shes like Andy Pettitte hot. 6 1/3, 3 runs, 10 hits 4Ks. Just getting it done.

So while I definitely have Stockholm Syndrome with Wendy’s chick I’m gonna have to go with Toyota Chick on this vote.

Vote 1 for Wendys Chick vote 10 for Toyota Chick

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