The Mountain Becomes Europe's Strongest Man

I am the future of strength! The King of the Stones!

Well this comes as absolutely zero fucking surprise to anyone who has ever even set eyes on the Mountain. Just take one look at him and I can tell you he’s the strongest man on earth. Don’t need him picking up giant rocks and throwing shit over his head to tell you that. He’s 6’9 400 pounds and hes on more steroids than a goddam horse could handle.

You know all the other strongmen must fucking hate his guts too. Like everyone knew he was The Mountain and he was the famous celebrity of the bunch but he had never won anything. Well now he has the ring to back it up too. Its like when Lebron got his first title. Now not only is the Mountain a celebrity on the most popular TV show in the world but hes also officially the Strongest Man In The World. All the other no name Vikings and barbarians coming in second place must be so fucking jealous.