Chick Going Bananas On A Dude On The Subway For Giving Her AIDS

Get off of meeeyyuhh! Get off of meeeyyuhh!

I’m like 99% sure this is fake because its just too completely over the top. That being said its still absolutely absurd. I honestly don’t know whats worse – having a real argument with the person who gave you AIDS on the subway? Or making a fake video about a guy giving you AIDS? What the fuck would be the purpose of that? Whats to gain from that except views on World Star? Maybe thats it. Maybe these are like World Star Hip Hop moles planted in the subway to make videos and get views.

Either way that was probably top 5 worst subway rides of all time for the people on that car. Real or fake, they had to endure like 10 minutes of that chick screaming “You give me AIDS!” Get off of meeeyyuhh! Get off of meeeyyuhh!” Fucking getting dragged out the doors as she holds on to the poles and what not. Video may be fake but the fucking misery of the people surrounding them is most certainly real folks.