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Two Women Are Just Moseying Along On Train Tracks And Oh Look, A Train Is Coming


An engineer thought he killed two people who dropped down on the railroad tracks right in front of his train. But in what one man calls a miracle, they survived. The close call was caught on video. From the train’s security camera, it looked like their final moments. Powell says the incident happened earlier this month on the 80-foot high Indiana Railroad bridge northeast of Bloomington at Lake Lemon just after sunrise. He says people sometimes follow a trail up to the railroad bridge, where they trespass onto the bridge. There are no walkways on the bridge, because no one is supposed to be walking there.

Are you fucking kidding me? They survived? For the life of me I can’t figure out how they didn’t jump. I don’t care if there was an HIV positive bear covered in razor blades hanging out with Darren Rovell below, you still have to jump there. I’ve stubbed my toe and thought well, this is it, my life is over, and they got ran over by a train and went on their merry way. Nobody would have felt bad for them if they were sliced like a pizza by the train, but everyone would feel bad for the train conductor. Talk about losing aces to aces. One second he’s just choo-choo’ing along an 80 foot tall bridge, taking in the nice Indiana scenery, and next thing he knows he just chopped up 2 women like he’s some sort of blogger. That will stick with him forever. It’ll be like Truman never being able to go near the water again. Scared for life.