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This Man Did Not Buy A Mercedes Convertible To Drive It With The Top Up, Literally Ever

UPI - A Chinese driver who apparently didn’t want to put his convertible top up in the rain was filmed driving down the highway with an umbrella.

The video, filmed earlier this month, shows a man driving a red Mercedes-Benz convertible during a rain storm in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province.

When you buy a new convertible, you buy it for three reasons and three reasons only- to feel that ocean breeze in your hair. To pull up alongside a hot breezy at a red light and give her the “whats up, babes?” head nod. And to let everyone know you’re the king shit and their peasant asses in their Camrys and mini vans can suck it. They look over at you and they know you own them in every way and there’s nothing they can do about it.

That’s why this man is doing it 100% right. Rain or shine, sleet or snow, he will be out there cruising in his Benz, top down, chrome spinning. The second you put the top up because of a little bit of rain, you’re letting that fat bitch Mother Nature win. She probably drives a Prius and is jealous of his swag, so you cannot bow down to her. Sure our Chinese friend’s head might get a little wet, but as long as he has the top down on his car, his Chinese dick will be later.
