
The Flag Thrown After Vernon Davis' TD Yesterday Could Be The Worst Of The Year, Or History Of The Sport

That was it. Yes, that is the entire thing. He didn’t dance. He didn’t use any props. Hell, he didn’t even do anything malicious like spin the ball or hug too many teammates in the end zone orpretend to shoot a bow and arrow. Just a standard jump shot after scoring a touchdown. Been done, I don’t know, 9 BILLION times in this league. Flag. 15 yard penalty. Vernon feels sad.

WaPo - “I have a contrite heart right now. I honestly do,” Davis said after the game. “It just makes you feel bad. Seriously. There’s some regret there, because I’m hurting the team. I went to the bench with my head down. I know I just scored a touchdown, but I went to the bench with my head down, like ‘Man, this feels bad. This is horrible.’ “

I thought the bow and arrow flag was bad on Josh Norman, but at least an imaginary bow and arrow could injure an imaginary person sitting in the top row. Shooting a jumper after scoring a TD is the most harmless celebration you can do. Oh no, think of the kids! What if they start playing basketball after school? What if a couple of guys that are up to no good start causing trouble in the neighborhood? NFL can’t take that risk, no sir. Gotta flag that 100 times out of 100. Can’t use the ball as a prop in a celebration, duh. The NFL WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT. And would certainly never try to profit off of it OH WAIT

The NFL is just such a joke. There’s no rhyme nor reason to what if flagged or not flagged. The players are being trained to be robots after scoring, which is insane because most people do more than what Vernon Davis did after winning a game of flip cup, nevermind scoring a touchdown in front of 80,000 fans. The NFL stinks. Just stinks.

PS: I love the ref watching to see if he sinks the shot. Fucking asshole

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