
Sarah Hyland Was Not About To Let The Other Sister Steal Her Shine


Oh CASUAL. So casual. Been needing this from Sarah Hyland for a while. Back in November of 2014 I bought up all the remaining Sarah Hyland stock. I bought low, and was expecting it to skyrocket to Mars. It hasn’t exactly done so. Meanwhile, the formerly dumpy younger sister, has gone b-a-n-a-n-a-s on Instagram after realizing men love tits. We just do. Well, Sarah was always “the hot one” on the show, besides Sofia of course. But Sarah was always the one getting the cat calls and attention. Now that the other sister has it, Sarah ain’t gonna take it lying down. If you don’t think there is a war brewing, you don’t live in my make believe world where I invent feuds just aren’t paying attention. They definitely hate each other though. Sarah vs Dumpy Dunphy, let’s get it on!


PS: Can’t stop, won’t stop.


PS: Julie Bowen is UNREAL. She can join in too.