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Periscope Just Killed Meerkat. RIP Meerkat, 3/21/15 - 3/26/15

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So for the last 6 days I’ve been obsessed with this App called Meerkat, an app that lets you live stream straight to your Twitter followers. It’s pretty great. Just been shooting the shit, interacting with stoolies, having a grand ol’ time. Even started my own daily show on it, Nate of the Union.

And then today, it died. RIP Meerkat. How did it die? At the hands of Periscope, an app that does the same thing but 100x better. Periscope is made by the same people as Twitter, so it works with Twitter so much cleaner and easier. For the last week I’ve bitched about a bunch of glitches in Meerkat, Periscope was glitch-free. Scope is friendlier to use, the picture is clearer, it integrates with Twitter better, etc etc etc. It’s everything I ever wanted Meerkat to be.

I think I have to pronounce Meerkat dead now. I loved that app. We had an amazing, whirlwind 6 days. But I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. A hotter, younger, and more stylish app just came and fucked Meerkat’s shit up.

So I think I’m taking my talents to Periscope for Nate of the Union. I’ll be doing my daily rundown at 6 on it, and then probably doing some Nate at Nite where we just shoot the shit and hang out and talk about random shit. Don’t be late. Download Periscope today.


PS: I have no allegiance to either. Whichever one is more popular/easier to use, I’ll use. Right now I think it’s Scope though.