Lindsay Lohan Posted Her Hottest Instagram Picture in....Ever

Fuck it, if Lindsay Lohan wants the attention, I’ll give her the attention. Cause for the first time since Mean Girls (pre-heroin, meth, gang bangs, crippling drug abuse, multiple arrests, softcorn porn, a checklist of celebrities to fuck, more meth, more arrests, and more gang bangs) she took a pretty hot picture. So hey, here’s to you Lohan. We all know you desperately want to be hot again. She has to look at Emma Stone and despise her for stealing her look and roles when she fell off the deep end. Just looks at Emma Stone how Lenny Cooke looks at LeBron James. Pure hatred. So much “that should be me”. But hey, maybe she got that boob job and she’s back in the game.

PS: If you don’t watch Mean Girls every time it’s on cable you’re either a bold faced liar or have impeccably bad taste in movies.