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Keith Olbermann Takes The Ricketts To Task, Sort Of



So it looks like Keith Olbermann set his sights on the Ricketts last night. Couple things he pointed out here that are way off base.


1) Criticizing the Cubs for updating Wrigley and bringing in money.


I don’t know one Cubs fan that doesn’t understand what is going on right now. Some may not like it but everyone gets it. You have two choices in sports these days. You can either build a new stadium or keep your stadium and update it so that it actually brings in the money it should. The Yankees and the Tigers and the Giants built new stadiums, the Red Sox and the Dodgers updated. Wrigley is painfully outdated right now. Up until a couple of years ago there were 2 screens in the entire park. Not even video, just screens that showed the count and score down each line. I love the manual scoreboard but the fact that there is no video replay is a joke. The luxury boxes are a joke, the concourses are a joke, the locker room is a fucking joke and definitely keeps free agents away. So if the Ricketts want to update Wrigley to bring in money and make the on field product better I am 100% behind them. You can’t be a major market team with a rabid fanbase and a ballpark that belongs in the past century and expect to compete with the big boys. You just can’t.


Changes are coming. Signs, Budweiser for Old Style, WGN about to lose their contract, etc. As long as the Cubs reinvest the added revenue into the team it is all fine by me. Winning trumps everything. So Olbermann may call it putting a billboard on the pyramid but last time I checked the Egyptians don’t have a century long World Series drought they’re trying to break.



2. Moving Wrigley

I actually can’t believe Olbermann addressed this. I’m not a fan of Olbermann but at least I respect the fact that he’s a smart guy. Well he whiffed on this one.  The Cubs aren’t moving shit. Owners do this from time to time to push along change. They float out the statement so that people remember the owners exist and can still technically do what they want. But come on, If you think the Ricketts or any future ownership group would actually move Wrigley then you’re a moron playing directly into their hands. It’s a total non-story. Wrigley isn’t going anywhere and the Cubs aren’t going anywhere. They’re just sprucing things up a little so they can hopefully spend more money and attract more free agents, nothing more, nothing less.




h/t  chris