Watching This Chick On A Motorcycle Throw Trash Back At People Who Litter Will Make You Feel Better


Is that video real?  I have my doubts.  Does this chick on a motorcycle just ride around all day and wait for people to litter?  When you start to think too much about it the possibility of it being staged begins to sky rocket.  But I’m in a decent mood today.  I’m fine with believing that this is real because it’s hilarious.  Nothing worse than people who litter.  Very few things make me angry but littering is one of them so I’m more than fine with the public shaming of these people.  There’s trash cans fucking everywhere.  Use them.  It’s not that hard.  And if you can’t find one while you’re driving, do what I do and stash it in your car where it’ll be there forever and ever.  If this is real then these people 1000% deserve what they got and the girl on the motorcycle is doing God’s work.  The part where she taped the piece of trash to the guy’s mirror was awesome.  The part where she threw an ash tray on a person was hilarious.  I really enjoyed the video all the way around even though there’s a chance it’s fake.