
The NeverTrumpers are Complaining They Can't Get Jobs in the Trump Administration

Never Trumpers

Washington PostThey are some of the biggest names in the Republican national security firmament, veterans of past GOP administrations who say, if called upon by President-elect Donald Trump, they stand ready to serve their country again.

But their phones aren’t ringing. Their entreaties to Trump Tower in New York have mostly gone unanswered. In Trump world, these establishment all-stars say they are “PNG” — personae non gratae.

Their transgression was signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. …

The letters also attacked Trump’s character and temperament, asserting that he “lacks self-control and acts impetuously,” has demonstrated “erratic behavior” and is “fundamentally dishonest.” …

“It’s hostile,” said [one] person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of further retribution. “It’s not just that we’re frozen out. .?.?. I was told they said there was an enemies list.”

So let me get this straight. While Trump was slugging it out in the primaries in a pack of like 75 career politicians and taking fire from all directions, a bunch of Beltway insiders put their names to open letters calling him, in no uncertain terms, history’s greatest monster and a threat to our very way of life. And now that he’s taking office, he’s not reaching out to them to offer up cushy, lucrative jobs in his administration. Gee, ya think?

I love everything about this story. Everything. The blatant hypocrisy by these duplicitous scumbags. They way they talked about Trump was going to destroy democracy when they thought it was the popular, politically expedient thing to do, then how fast all those concerns for the country went out the window once he won and there was a buck to be made. How they not only backed the wrong horse(s) but actively put themselves out there to defame The Donald, and now they come crawling to him. They’re like George Bailey, calling Mr. Potter a warped, frustrated old man, but then begging him for help when his life was ruined.


But the best part is Trump refusing to let them even kiss his rings. Have fun trying to make a living in your irrelevant, Neo-Con think tank or teaching an International Relations class at your local community college, you shameless ingrates. Whether it’s his cabinet, the intelligence community or the football team he supports, DJT is all about loyalty.