
Shots Fired At Truck For Flying 'Make America Great Again' Flag


(not the actual truck. just a random, very pro-Trump truck)

Fox NewsSeveral shots were fired at a truck flying a “Make America Great Again” flag and an American flag on a highway in Indianapolis on Tuesday, Fox 59 reported.

Indiana State Police said a Chevrolet Malibu with Louisiana license plates pulled up next to a blue 2001 Dodge pickup truck along I-465, and a male passenger pointed a handgun out the window and fired several shots at the truck.

No injuries were reported. Police released a photo of a bullet hole in the truck.

Politics are contentious. They always have been and they always will be. You can go back thousands and thousands of years and study countless stories of folks losing their lives over politics. Often today, we talk about how annoying people are on Facebook or Twitter about politics. And we’re right — people are the worst. They suck.

But this here is incredibly fucked up. This is incredibly misguided. This is damn near evil. Being born in the United States of America in the 21st century is about as lucky a break as anyone’s ever been given in the history of the world. One of the reasons for that is because we’ve cultivated the most successful free society in history, and the NUMBER ONE pillar of that liberty is the freedom of speech. The freedom of expression. You can pretty much say whatever the hell you want, about whatever the hell you want, and say it however you want.


That includes flying flags repping your political beliefs. These folks are just tossing a “Go Donnie” on their truck, and they’re nearly killed for that? Fuck that. Fuck anyone that’s so intolerant they carelessly attack — with lethal force — those with opposing beliefs.

That doesn’t help anybody. It doesn’t help any cause, especially their own.