
Red Sox Trying To Force "Stinky Socks" Hockey Program To Change Their Name







Bostonherald – You would think the Boston Red Sox, who are dead last in the AL East, 18 games out of first place entering play yesterday, would have more to worry about than putting the legal screws to Peter Manderino.But you would be wrong. Understand that for most of his 34 years, Peter Manderino has been a devout Red Sox fan. He was raised in Hanover, went to B.C. High and Boston College, and promptly grew an IT company that serviced government contracts until the bust of 2008 dried things up. That’s when his hobby of playing pick-up hockey morphed into StinkySocks Hockey — a business that now has about 4,500 players of various skill levels on its computerized rolls. A former girlfriend, who’d grown tired of smelling the “stinky socks” Manderino stored with his hockey gear, inadvertently gave the enterprise its name. Now, if the Boston Red Sox and their New York lawyers had decided to file their opposition to Peter Manderino’s StinkySocks trademark request. “The Red Sox’ lawyer made it clear from the beginning they felt the name, StinkySocks, was disparaging of their brand,” Manderino said, “that we were suggesting the Red Sox were stinky. “What they asked is that we change our name, the red, white and blue colors of our jerseys and the font of the lettering,” he added, “then they wouldn’t oppose our registration. In other words, the Red Sox wanted us to change our entire brand.” The Red Sox declined comment on any of this.


Listen there is no doubt that the Red Sox ownership has done a great job in terms of winning since they arrived. I mean you can’t argue with results. Zero World Championships since 1918 before they arrived. We have 3 in the last 10 years now. The results speak for themselves. But that doesn’t change the fact that they are absolute scumbags. The worst of the worst. They don’t give a shit about anything but making money. They’ll steam roll everybody and everything in their path. One Eyed Bandit would run over his grandmother to save a nickel. That’s why everytime they act like they give a shit about this city or the people in it they are lying. And no story exemplifies it more than this one. Just a total dirtbag move suing this guy for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the Red Sox.   It’s just the One Eyed Bandit flexing his muscles stomping on the little guy for no reason. They’ll gladly take every dollar we got and bleed this city dry but god forbid you try to earn an honest living. For shame.
