Ray Lewis Clarifies His "Only Reason Tom Brady Exists Is Because Of The Tuck Rule" Statement By Saying He Doesn't Know How To Talk

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I’m willing to forgive Ray for this one. He just said said words that weren’t at all what he meant to say. I get that. He’s not exactly known as an intelligent person and now his job is to talk into a microphone all day. It’s like how the theory that if you put a bunch of moneys in front of a typewriter (this sounds racist because Ray Lewis is black but I didn’t invent the theory) then they’re eventually going to type Hamlet. This is just the opposite. Tell Ray Lewis to talk and eventually he’s going to say something incredibly stupid and say the greatest QB of all time only exists because of a rule.


And, like I said yesterday, the Tuck Rule is admittedly one of the hundreds of defining moments in Tom’s career. Just like avoiding going to jail for murder is the defining moment of Ray’s career. Except Ray’s career literally doesn’t exist without that one, Tom’s does.