Philippines: Crazy President-Elect Says It's Totally Cool To Murder Journalists If Journalist Is "A Son Of A Bitch"

CNNSpeaking at a press conference to unveil his new cabinet Tuesday, Rodrigo Duterte said journalists killed on the job in the Philippines were often corrupt.
“Just because you’re a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if you’re a son of a bitch,” Duterte said. “Freedom of expression cannot help you if you have done something wrong,” he added.




I want to like this guy so badly but I just can’t. As a part of an operation that relies heavily on journalists to do their jobs so we can then comment on stuff that’s been journalismed, I just can’t stand for this. I can’t stand for murdering you because “you’re a son of a bitch.” Feels like that won’t hold up in my own personal ethical court of law. If you murdered all the journalists we’d have no one to report this story. I’d have nothing to blog. So I’d have to what, go dig up information myself? Leave my apartment and like, talk to people and ask questions? You’re funny Duterte and I like funny, but I have to draw the line at murdering journalists and forcing me to enter the real world. If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.

If you remember, this Rodrigo Duterte character is an absolute savage that was elected to be the next Filipino president several weeks ago. He’s the one that pledged to execute 100,000 criminals and dump their bodies in the Manila Bay. He’s the one that joked about an Australian woman who was raped and killed in the Philippines in 1989 that she was so pretty that the mayor, himself, should have been first. He’s the one that says Pfizer should be given an award and brags about his Viagra-fueled sexcapades.

So no, it’s not surprising that he wants to kill all the son of a bitch journalists. But it is alarming, for I feel like we’re a couple murders away from Pageviews putting me on the next flight to the South Pacific for a snapchat takeover. The second I put the dogface filter on this psychopath I’ll be deemed a son of a bitch and tossed out into the Manila Bay for an eternal swim.


PS – If you really want to make a case for liking this guy, here he is whistling at a hot journalist during a presser.