
Pabst Blue Ribbon Was Just Sold To Putin?



NBC – Pabst Brewing Company — and its signature Pabst Blue Ribbon, the ironic, iconic favorite of the young and the cool — has sold to a Russian beverage firm after a century and a half of American ownership, an investing firm announced Thursday. Oasis Beverages, the largest independent brewer in Russia, bought Pabst, which also produces Colt .45, Old Milwaukee and Lone Star beers, according to a statement by the American investment firm TSG Consumer Partners, which will hold a minority stake.



Pets heads are officially falling off.  Seriously I thought this was an Onion article at first.  I mean Pabst just got sold to a Russian company? Huh? How is that possible? Pabst entire marking campaign is around being an American beer. Are they going to replace the blue ribbon with a Hammer and Sickle? Stunning developments. If I was Putin I’d totally drink a Pabst right in Obama’s face everytime they had a meeting. Power move plain and simple here from the Russians. On the bright side I’m pretty sure this means the Cold War is back on.