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Man Sues After Being Fired For Uncontrollable Farting In the Office



TRENTONA Trenton pork roll maker is being sued by the wife of a former employee who was allegedly fired for farting too much in the office, according to a federal discrimination lawsuit. Louann Clem, who worked alongside her husband, Richard Clem, at Case Pork Roll Co., says in a federal lawsuit filed last month that after her husband received gastric bypass surgery he suffered serious consequences, including “extreme gas and uncontrollable diarrhea.”Case President Thomas Dolan began to harass Clem and his wife when the smell of Richard’s flatulence began to overpower the aroma of pork roll, according to the lawsuit. “We have to do something about Rich,” the lawsuit says Dolan told Louann Clem. “This can’t go on. We can’t run an office and have visitors with the odor in the office.


Listen it sucks this guy has “extreme gas and uncontrollable diarrhea” That’s a horrible way to go through life. I mean without doing too deep of a dive into this does uncontrollable diarrhea mean exactly what it sounds like it means? One second you’re making small talk and the next second you diarrhea’d yourself? Like does he have to wear a diaper? He must right?

Anyway that’s really neither here nor there. Listen nobody seems to be debating that this guy can’t stop farting and shitting himself. Well how the hell do you not fire that guy? He’s not working in his own office doing tax returns. He’s making pork rolls. You can’t have poop aroma overwhelming the pork aroma. That’s how pork roll maker companies go out of business.  Who wants to buy pork that smells like poop?  It brings up a larger point. I’ve never understood when people with disabilities cry about being treated unfairly in situations like these. Having a disability doesn’t give you the right to bring down an entire office. If you can’t do your job or you’re screwing up other people’s jobs you deserve to get fired. We’re not running a charity here. This isn’t the Special Olympics. Go fart your face off at a pig farm or something. But don’t cry to me about being unfairly fired at a food company when you’re pooping and shitting everywhere. This is the big leagues.



PS – Why is the wife suing and not the farter?  Talk about having your wife fight your battles huh?  “I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR MY POOPING, FARTING, DIARRHEA’ING HUSBAND!”