
Little Kid Orders A Pizza Using His Dad's Credit Card And Nails The Signature

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Daily Mail- A young boy made quite the impression when he left a memorable signature on a credit card receipt. Jewel Cowart, a cashier at Domino’s Pizza in Temple, Texas, told that the boy – who looked to be about six – strolled in last week accompanied by his father and asked to pick up an order for Thomas Jefferson. And when it came time to pay, not only did the child confidently swipe his father’s credit card, but he also adorably left his signature, which read simply ‘Dad’.’Coincidentally, I had been his cashier a few days prior, too, and remembered him because before he had ordered under Abraham Lincoln,’ she explained.

Yep, nailed it.  This little guy can play for me any day.  Ordering pizza’s at the age of 6 and straight up signing “Dad” on the receipt.  Ballsy.  But forget the signature, I’m more impressed by the fact that he was able to order the pizza in the first place.  At 6 years old?  I’m not even sure I’d had my first memory/had a brain at 6 years old let alone having the balls to order a pizza under the fake name of a former president.  And the cashier said he’d done it before but last time he used Abraham Lincoln.  Hilarious but what the hell?  Who is this baby genius who orders pizza and can rattle off the names of former presidents?  6 years old and he already knows more history about this great country than I do after going through elementary, middle, high school and college.