
Kid Films His Brother Going HAM On Some Dance Moves And Pretty Much Ruins His Life


It’s not very often we get video of someone’s life changing in a huge way right in front of our very eyes.  But that’s what happened here.  That little guy decided to take a risk, let his body feel the music and take it wherever it wanted to go.  Let that music wash over him and all of the sudden he’s a god damn dancing fool.  If you didn’t have that moment as a kid then your childhood sucked.  You just wanna take those dance moves for a spin.  Ya know, see how it feels.  Completely surrender yourself to the beat and let it guide you. It’s a magical moment in any kid’s life.  Throw on some Britney Spears alone in your room and take dance moves for a test drive.  You never know what you’ll find.  As a kid it’s awesome.  Not this time around though.  This kid’s brother thinks he simply caught his snot nosed little brother doing something stupid.  When in reality he recalculated his life’s path in a big way.  That little guy will never feel comfortable ever again in a social setting where there’s music.  He’ll forever be the kid at school dances and, later, at bars and clubs who acts like a tough guy and refuses to dance.  He’ll never be the same.  The fear of being embarrassed while dancing is now a deep ridge on his brain.  And in all honesty, I wouldn’t be surprised if that little guy kills his brother somewhere along the line because of that.  He’s traumatized.