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Just When I Was Starting To Like A-Rod, His Lawyer Goes And Accuses Papi Of PED Use





First of all, let me say this loud and clear, once and for all: NO ONE OUTSIDE OF THE BBWA GIVES A FUCK ABOUT PED USE. NO ONE!  Everyone was doing, everyone is still doing it only a bit less, no one cares.


Second of all, I really was starting to love ARod. Sometimes to win the crowd you just gotta turn and go full heel and that’s exactly what he did. Just fighting The Man, all the way up the totem pole, and when he lost decided he was just going to sue everybody. I loved it. But this? Too far. Don’t ruin a good man’s name. Papi is as clean as an operating room. Everyone knows that. Absolutely no one on the planet suspects he may have juiced last year or ever for that matter.  No one. So to drag him into this is just dirty pool. Snitches get stitches, A-Rod. Ever heard that? Sorry but not sorry Papi is the playoff hero that you’re not man enough to be even in a wet dream. Grow up and accept it.


PS – “I’m not gonna name names but here’s a name” is such a fucking scumbag move.