
Jump Stomp Showdown! Who Ya Got?


The Challenger





The Champion



You gotta give this one to the challenger. No, he doesn’t have the same height as the champion (due to his skin pigmentation). No, he doesn’t have dreads flying around adding some pageantry to it (again, due to his skin pigmentation). But you know what he has going for him? Cold, hard pavement and a likely manslaughter rap. He didn’t stomp a kid’s head into a fluffy field, he re-enacted American History X on his ass. Barbaric.


PS – what the fuck is going on in that video? It appears like it’s 1 vs 100 and no one steps up to the kid. Have some fucking loyalty guys. He’s putting your boys in the morgue one at a time and no one is willing to drop the gloves.


Vote 1 for the kid who murdered someone and 10 for the guy who Kenneth Faried

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