
Jenna Jameson Announces Her Return To Porn!





Lot of mixed emotions here right now. LOT of them. Because Jenna is a shell of her former self. The queen who made porn mainstream is now the crazy bleach-blonde mom in the Juicy Coture sweatsuit that tries to act like she’s her daughter’s sister. But you know what? I’ll still watch her diddle herself on camera. Because, while she isn’t who she used to be, she’s still a legend. Like when MJ was on the Wizards he wasn’t really MJ, but that was still a must-have ticket. That was still a game you circled on the schedule. Because even if their true greatness is gone, it’s still something you want to tell your grandkids about. You saw MJ play and you saw Jenna Jameson fuck herself. And yes, I honestly think that MJ and JJ are on the same level of greatness. They both transcended their respective games and took them to new heights.



PS – Jenna saying she’s doing it to feed her kids is exactly like Walter White saying he did it for the family. No you’re not, you like the adrenaline rush and the attention. You’re good at it. You feel… alive. Just admit it.