
I Need To Start Using Malarkey More, Like Joe Biden





I didn’t watch the DNC last night because I’m not a loser/adult, but I just saw this clip and I’m absolutely in love with it. Malarkey. Malarkey! What a great fucking word. You hear people say all the time that you should hang out with your grandparents more because it brings them joy and all that, and it’s very true, call your Nana right now, I”ll wait….




Good boy…. But the number one reason to talk to your grandparents is to learn awesome words and phrases. Every time my Nana was put off she would say, “Well that’s something….,” and it was the greatest shit I’ve ever heard. I stole it right from her. Today if someone shows me anything I don’t like I still say, “Well it’s certainly something….” That’s why you talk to your grandparents, they’ve got the best sayings ever. Yeah there are the stories about winning wars to keep the world safe and walking a billion miles to school, but those are just a bunch of malarkey compared to the phrases you’ll pick up. They lived in a time before Twitter, when we didn’t all use the same seven words and jokes, and they’ve got a cornucopia of knowledge to bestow upon you as far as the English language goes. Malarkey! The motherfucker went on stage and said something (again, I didn’t watch) was a bunch of malarkey! I love it.