
I Guess A Couple Teenagers Scooped The Entire Baseball Media With The Billy Butler To Oakland Deal?

First of all congrats to these dorks. Pretty cool breaking and getting credit for breaking this story. However I don’t believe a word these two kids said. Of course it was family connection or something. Do they think we’re stupid? I mean these guys really want me to believe baseball executives are calling 13 year olds with dirt? NO FUCKING WAY. This was 1,000 percent an inside job. There was some personal connection we don’t know about and they were doing their little cousin a favor or something. It doesn’t change the fact they broke the news first, but spare me the sob story about you didn’t have an inside connection. But that’s neither really here nor there. More importantly this just shows what type of person you have to be to become an Adam Schefter or Ken Rosenthal or Darren Rovell or any sports insider. Like this was a legit window into their past. Just total squids. Don’t get me wrong they work their asses off, but you just got to have no friends, no interest in girls and no life to make it in that business.