
Hysterical Story Where A Boy With Cancer Asks A Comedian To Attend His Funeral In A Giant Cock Costume

(Make sure you watch the whole thing)

I fucking LOVE this kid in an appropriate “28 year old loving a 14 year old boy” fashion. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I’ve thought about my funeral forever. I’m talking I’ve thought about my funeral like a little girl thinks about her wedding day, from the location to the attendees to the repast (there will be a New Orleans band there)… I’ve covered it all. I don’t necessarily have an obsession with death, or a desire for it, but it’s something that I’ve played out in my mind countless times. I like to think that’s normal in order to protect myself from feeling like a psycho, but maybe it isn’t.

However, in my two decades of planning my funeral I haven’t come up with anything nearly this good. You’re gonna make your DAD wear a fucking GRIM REAPER costume? Oh that is dark. That is deliciously dark. Strangers showing up in huge cock costumes? Hysterical.


Some people aren’t good at death and they are very fun to fuck with. Much like the Barenaked Ladies, I’m the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral. I don’t do it to be mean or a dick, it’s just how I am. I need laughter in times of sorrow. I need a party for a death because if I just sit in a room and think about it then I’ll get too sad. This is hands down the best way to go about that party that I’ve ever heard. Incredible story from this little kid, sitting in his room planning his funeral like he’s some twisted fashion designer on a game show.

PS – Again, watch until the end.