
Husband Sues His Wife After She Put Up Pictures From Their Honeymoon On Facebook Without His Permission

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The Local- A marital tiff ended up in court this week after a man complained that his wife of ten years had put up photos of the couple on Facebook “without his permission”, local daily Il Mattino reported. The photos, published by the wife on her Facebook profile, were taken during the couple’s honeymoon around a decade ago, and included photos of the pair hugging and kissing.The court ruled in favour of the husband, and the woman has now been forced to take the photos down. The woman may also have to pay damages, Il Mattino said.  In her defense, the wife argued that “the use of social networks is now so advanced that we can consider a Facebook wall to be not unlike a private photo album.” But the court found that, contrary to the wife’s defense, the publication of a photo on the internet is “significantly worse” than any other form of publication because privacy cannot be guaranteed by the user.


Facebook is a weird place in 2014.  Like super fucking weird.  Gone are the days when you could go on there and scroll through endless pictures of hot girls who you were “friends” with but never talked to once in your life.  You could just scroll and scroll and scroll and it was awesome.  Bathing suits, yoga pants, everything.  Now Instagram has taken that corner by storm and is way better at it.  It took everything you want from Facebook (the pictures) and streamlined it into a genius social media tool for scoping out hot girls.  All Facebook is now is ads, people you went to high school with who you don’t give two shits about getting pregnant or married or both, your aunts and uncles trying to pry into your social life and, apparently, husbands suing their wives for putting up pictures from their honeymoon and the husband getting pissed.  It’s awful.  It’s quickly turned into the retirement home of social media platforms.  And nothing brings in the younger demos like old people getting mad at each other for putting up pictures that cause lawsuits.  It’s been kind of amazing to watch The Book fall from grace after is was easily the most revolutionary thing in social media when it hit the scene.  It basically created social media (sorry, MySpace.  You sucked).  Well done, Zuckerberg but you’re quickly getting phased out (he has billions of dollars so I’m sure he doesn’t give two fucks).



PS- Totally agree with the judge’s ruling here.  Everybody looks good in some pictures and bad in others.  Gotta run that by your spouse every time.