Happy Bradichick Day!



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Ahh, April 16th.  A date which will live in Patriots lore for as long as football is being played.  For it was on this day in 1952 that the virgin Jeannette Belichick gave birth to her son Bill in a manger somewhere in Nashville, Tennessee.  And 48 years later, another miracle was performed as the child Tom Brady was plucked out of the waters of the NFL Draft by the late, great Dick Rehbein.  And at last, the scriptures were fulfilled, just as Mr. Kraft had prophesized.  A dynasty was born.  Legends were made.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  You know, I love the arguments you hear on talk radio every so often about whether Belichick needs Brady more  or Brady needs him more or who’s more important to the franchise blah, blah, blah.  Like we need to even have the debate.  I mean, who cares?  Why do we have to separate them?  Why not just accept we’re into Year 14 of combining the best coach and the best QB and the best owner in the best league ever created and leave it at that?  Trying to pick one over the other is like trying to decide who’s the best part of the Holy Trinity.  Instead of wasting our energy on that nonsense, we should just take every opportunity to appreciate how good we have it and count our blessings.  And April 16th is just such a day.  Now the question is how the hell is Bradichick Day not an official holiday around here? In the kingdom of Jerrytopia it will be, I promise you.  @JerryThornton1