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HAMMERED Drunk Lady Blames Car Crash On Trump's Election Victory (she blew a .33)


SourceA day after Americans voted for president, an extremely drunken motorist rammed into two vehicles stopped at a traffic signal in Lino Lakes and explained to police afterward that she was drinking to drown her sorrows over Donald Trump’s victory, authorities said…

… The criminal complaint said a preliminary breath test measured the St. Paul woman’s blood alcohol content a few hours after the crash at .33 percent, more than four times the legal limit for driving in Minnesota.

“We heard a new excuse for driving over 4 times the legal limit and hitting two vehicles at a stop light Wednesday afternoon,” read the posting on the Police Department’s Facebook page…

“I am upset over the outcome of the election and you should let me go home,” the police Facebook posting quoted the driver as saying.

How racist/bigoted/anti-semitic is this police department for arresting this woman so close to the emotionally upsetting election result? Unbelievable. Empathy is so dead. This never would have happened to a man or to a Trump supporter. Trump’s America week 1 smdh.

If there’s one thing I have to give this chick credit for it’s being aware of the trending sentiment and going to it. Like when a ref’s calling PI all night so you just toss it to your tallest guy and have him flail his arms in protest before the ball’s even in the air. Auto-first-down city. You gotta know what people are going to and what’s working. Right now everyone’s blaming everything on the Trump victory so it was worth a shot. Better defense than just about anything else you could possibly come up with when you blow a .33.

PS — She was realllllly flirting with it at .33…

a blood alcohol concentration of 0.30 can cause a person to go into a coma, while a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.40 could kill you.”