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Gronk's Entire ESPN Photoshoot Is Chock Full Of Cute Little Kittens





We’re in a bad way at Barstool right now. Wild animals are running around the office, the roof has literally collapsed on top of the DevNest, our boss has been murdered, Jon Lester is moving to Chicago. Just nothing at all going our way. And sometimes when that happens you just need to take a break and look at cute things to remind you that life isn’t all that bad. Big Gronk cuddling with kittens is just the cure. That first pic looks like a big puppy whose owner just brought a cat home and he’s staring it down trying to figure out exactly what it is. “What are you? Me Gronk. Hello.” Then he realized it was a pussy cat and he laughed at the word for pussy for 69 hours straight. Maybe that’s not exactly how this situation played out, but it’s bringing me joy thinking of it that way so shut up. I deserve some happiness right now.