Grandparents Of The Year Pay For Their Granddaughter's Boob Job In Hopes To Boost Her Confidence

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Metro- Harry and Dee Giles agreed to foot the £5,000 bill to help their granddaughter Amy Hart get over her low self-confidence and nerves. The air stewardess’ parents refused to give her money for the procedure to swap her 34As for double Ds. So she went to their seniors who gave her the green light after she spoke about taking out a loan to cover the cost. She booked the op shortly after her 21st birthday. ‘I was always really conscious about my chest – it felt like I had bee stings in comparison to everyone on TV and in magazines,’ said Amy, from Worthing, West Sussex. ‘Now I never worry about putting on a bikini or a nice dress to go out because my boobs are ample enough to fill them. And it’s all thanks to my grandma and granddad.’


This needs to become a thing.  Grandparents paying for their hot early-20’s granddaughter’s boob jobs needs to be the next hot internet trend.  Ice bucket challenges are played out by now.  There’s been literally a million of them.  We need something new and interesting for the internet to lose its mind about and here it is served to us on a silver platter.  The Grandparents Pay For Boob Jobs Movement.  Forget paying for college tuition.  That’s old and busted.  In all honesty, forking up a couple thousand dollars for bigger boobs is a way smarter plan than flushing tens of thousands of dollars for a good looking girl to get a degree at a big university.  HUGE waste of time and money going to school.  But the boob route is a win-win for everybody involved.  The girl is now able to get any job in the world that she wants or find a sugar daddy who she can clean out during an ugly divorce.  And the grandparents have some extra cash in their pockets to ride out the remaining years of their life.  Good looking chicks don’t need college degrees.  They’re born with the most prestigious degrees.  They don’t need to go to college.  All they need are big boobs.  Those double majors can get them wherever they need to go.  No doubt in my mind this Amy girl who now has huge tits will have a better job/be attached to a rich guy who pays for everything within the next 10-14 months.  Screw Degrees, Get Double Ds is officially a movement.

I don’t know how people can attack Barstool saying we don’t care about women.  It’s the total opposite.  Do you see what just happened above?  I doled out sound and practical advice about how people can save money and make sure their hot female family members will be become successful.  Who’s really the bad guy here?

