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Dude Gets Busted And Confronted After Trying To Film Girls' Asses On Newbury Street

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I’m gonna say something, and it’s probably gonna sound racist because I’m pretty sure it’s the definition of racism, but I was shocked that this guy wasn’t Asian when the video started. Absolutely shocked. I don’t know why, I just read an email about this video that featured a creepy guy filming girls’ asses and thought, “Asian. For sure Asian.” If I told you anything else I’d be lying, and I hate lying to you guys.



But I’ve got to admit, I’m kind of impressed with the way this guy handled this. Oh don’t get me wrong, he’s a total piece of shit scumbag, yet I still owe him a slight tip of the cap. Feel like most public perverts are cowards who would just run away or instantly cower and beg for forgiveness, this guy was a defiant Masshole right until he wasn’t. Fuck you. I wasn’t filming you, get the fuck outta here. Get the fuck away from me. Fuck yourself. Ok maybe I was filming but I can do that. Also, fuck you still. Very sneaky slip of the hand into that pocket when she called out his wedding ring too. Ring? What ring? I don’t even have a left hand.



Finally, filming chicks in public is insanity. It’s one of the fetishes I’ll never, ever understand (there are a lot of other weird ones, but like cast and balloon fetishes won’t get you arrested). What do you even get from this? Do you not have the internet at home? You know it’s full of people fucking, right? Naked and shit, too. If you can film and get off to a chick walking down Newbury in late October then you’ve got some serious fucking screws loose. That video must make a Victoria’s Secret mag look like hardcore porn, and one of those haven’t done it for me since I was 12.